Saturday, February 15, 2025
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Here are some of the more frequent questions that I have received from visitors to this web site with information that, hopefully, answers them. To jump to a particular question click one of the options in the list below, otherwise you can just scroll down the page and read the lot.


Is the AMARG FOIA Inventory now available?

Yes. It is available from the FOIA Reading Room. Click on 'FOIA Reading Room'. Then de-select all the document types except for 'Procurement History'. Click 'Search' and a list of inventories will be listed, along with other documents which MAY be of interest.

Is the Pima tour still being run?

At the moment yes. Due to the increased security many have asked this question and to date I have not heard anyone say that they have not been able to go on a tour of AMARC. Having said that the tour schedule can be running at a reduced frequency and it can be stopped at anytime due to operational requirements. As always its worth checking with Pima before a long trip and it's well worth booking in advance to avoid disappointment.

Is it worth going on the Pima AMARC tour?

Yes, definitely. It does provoke some people to say that it is not the tour that used to be available when it was run by the US Air Force but it is still a worthwhile experience. You are unable to leave the bus during the tour, the windows of the buses used are usually tinted (extremely bad for photography) and the duration of the tour never seems enough. Having said this it is the only opportunity that most people have of seeing the aircraft without peering through fences, the tour guide provides very interesting pointers to the sights shown and it is very reasonably priced. It may be a disappointment to those who have been on the old tour but not to those who haven't.

Are there any civil aircraft at AMARC?

Yes. In the 1980's and the beginning of the 1990's nearly 200 Beoing 707's and 720's were purchased from civil owners and delivered to AMARC. AMARC designated these aircraft C-137's and this is how they appear on their inventory, using their manufacturer construction number as their serial number. Engines from these aircraft were removed and used in the upgrade of the KC-135 fleet. All other useful parts were also stripped and these aircraft are now in the process of being disposed of to local scrapyards.

Are there any other aircraft boneyards?

The era of the large military aircraft boneyards has unfortunately gone. There are however some airports that are used to store substantial numbers of surplus aircraft, many of them in an airworthy condition. Some of these storage sites contain military examples, for example Mojave, CA. where a couple of C-133's and several A-3 Skywarriers can be found. Some examples of 'boneyard' airports are ...

  • Greybull, WY.
  • Kingman, AZ.
  • Marana - Pinal Air Park, AZ.
  • Mojave, CA.
  • Phoenix-Goodyear, AZ.
  • Tucson IAP, AZ.
  • Victorville, CA.

Hawkins & Powers at Greybull had a large number of ex. military aircraft but after the company folded the items in the collection were either sold off or scrapped.

IMPORTANT: Access to these airports is restricted and permission should be sought before making a visit. Marana, as an example, is extremely difficult to see from the outside and is difficult (impossible) to gain access to without prior permission.

Visit the excellent Cactus Wings web site at to see lists of civil aircraft being stored at various airports throughout the Western USA.

Why are many of the KC-135 and Boeing 707 missing their tails?

The engines of these aircraft have been reclaimed and were returned to service to support the active KC-135 fleet. When the engines were removed the centre-of-gravity of the aircraft was affected, the vertical stabilizers were removed to prevent the aircraft from tilting back onto their tails.

Can I buy an aircraft from AMARC?

No. Aircraft that are surplus to requirements are signed over to and disposed of by the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO). Sales of surplus equipment are frequently carried out but purchases can only be made if you are a company or individual who possess a licence to do so. Sales contain not only whole aircraft but also other aircraft parts for use as scrap metal, components, tooling, etc.

Combat aircraft that are sold are 'de-militarized' before sale, this consists of cuts being made to various parts of their structure to ensure they never fly again. There are a few exceptions to this but these usually involve agreement from the higher US authorities. Other aircraft types that are suitable for civilian operation can be purchased in one piece.